PSAMPB Playing for PalmValley School
Palm Springs Air Museum Pipe Band
played for the Palm Valley School, in an effort to explore the unique opportunity to team up with the with them like we were proposing to do with the Cathedral City High School Band. The goal and intent for this was to develop a Strategic Alliance, to develop a fledging Junior Pipe Band similar to the Glendora Pipe Band. Secondly to develop the musical abilities of these prospective Bandsmen, so they can easily integrate themselves with the PSAMPB or any other Pipe Bands they may so choose. Thirdly, to foster a love for the Highland Pipe Music so that Palm Valley Students will carry it with them throughout their life and pursue it wherever they may be.
Lastly and More Specifically
We are currently waiting to see the general interest in this from the Palm Valley School
PSAMPB at Palm Valley School
Queen Elizabeth II Tribute
PSAMPB Playing for Cathedral City
High School Band
Palm Springs Air Museum Pipe Band
had a unique opportunity to team up with the Cathedral City High School Band. The goal and intent for the CCHS Band was to develop a Strategic Alliance, to develop a fledging Junior Pipe Band similar to the Glendora Pipe Band. Secondly to develop the musical abilities of these CCHS Bandsmen, so they can easily integrate themselves with the PSAMPB or any other Pipe Bands they may so choose. Thirdly, to foster a love for the Highland Pipe Music so that CCHS Bandsmen will carry it with them throughout their life and pursue it wherever they may be.
Lastly and More Specifically
Regrettably interest in a program like this is wanning and it looks like we won't be moving forward. In an effort to generate interest we played for the HS Bandsmen informally and subsequently at the CCHS STARDUST Performance Arts Expo.
(see our pictures below)